How to Build a Strong Aged Care Resume

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Before advancing in the aged care industry, you must build a strong resume to become an aged care worker. 

As you might already know, the demand for reliable aged care workers in Australia continues to increase. Improving your chances of succeeding in this type of role stems from a single professional document that showcases your personal strengths. 

Sage Education can help set your resume apart in the competitive landscape of aged care employment. With our support, you can gain relevant qualifications and education that impress your future hiring manager. 

If you want to build a strong aged care resume, read our comprehensive guide below.

Understanding the Australian Aged Care Sector

Australia’s aged care sector is experiencing big changes due to the evolving needs of its ageing population. In fact, Australia provides long-term care for almost 20% of the population aged 80 years and over, with 6% of those aged 65 years. This increasing number requires more aged care workers.  

With a growing number of elderly Australians requiring specialised care, the sector plays a crucial role in providing compassionate and comprehensive services. Key trends shaping the aged care industry include consumer-directed care, which emphasises the individual needs and preferences of elderly people. 

Potential employers seek candidates who not only possess the right qualifications but also demonstrate a deep understanding of the unique demands and dynamics of aged care in Australia. 

Essential Resume Sections for an Aged Care Resume 

There are certain key elements that provide a quick overview of your qualifications and make it easier for potential employers to understand your suitability for the role. 

Learn about the essential resume sections below: 

Contact information 

You must ensure your contact details are up-to-date and easily accessible. This means including your full name, phone number, professional email address, and your LinkedIn profile. A local address can also signal your proximity and commitment to the Australian aged care sector.

Resume objective 

Create a concise and compelling resume objective that outlines your career goals and what you could bring to the table. For example: 

Dedicated aged care professional with a passion for enhancing the quality of life for elderly people. Seeking a rewarding role where my compassion and extensive experience can contribute to a nurturing and supportive environment. 

Skills summary 

In the skills summary section, highlight the specific skills that make you a standout aged care worker. You should include technical skills, such as proficiency in medical equipment use and soft skills like empathy and effective communication. Tailor these skills to align with the requirements of the aged care roles you’re applying for. 

Education and Aged Care Qualifications

Your education and qualifications play a crucial role in establishing your credibility as an aged care professional. The aged care sector values individuals with a strong educational background and specific certifications. 

Begin this section by highlighting your academic achievements. Clearly list your degrees, diplomas, or certifications related to healthcare and aged care. For degrees, you might write: 

I completed a Bachelor of Nursing at [University Name], where I gained in-depth knowledge of medical-surgical nursing and healthcare practices. This foundational education has been essential in my ability to provide holistic care to elderly people. 

In Australia, certain certifications are often required to work in aged care roles. At Sage Education, we have various courses available to help you gain more knowledge and experience in aged care. Some of these courses include:

Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing or Disability)

Certificate IV in Ageing Support

Assist Clients with Medication Skill Set 

These courses can show you’re committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety and care for the elderly. Most hiring managers will choose candidates who have enough practical experience and qualifications. 

Professional Aged Care Experience

Professional experience is essential for your aged care resume. This section allows you to showcase your practical application of skills and your impact in previous roles. In the Australian aged care sector, emphasising your hands-on experience is key. 

Start by outlining your previous roles in chronological order. Provide a concise overview of your responsibilities, making sure to tailor them to the specific needs of aged care. For example:

As a dedicated aged care worker at [Previous Workplace], I managed a caseload of elderly people and created personalised care plans to address their unique health needs. This involved administering medications, monitoring vital signs, and coordinating with multidisciplinary teams to ensure comprehensive care. 

You should also highlight your commitment to patient-centred care and discuss how you prioritise the needs and preferences of the elderly individuals you’ve cared for. For example: 

My approach to care revolves around fostering a sense of freedom and dignity for residents. I actively engaged in regular one-on-one interactions, ensuring their emotional well-being while attending to their physical health requirements. This approach not only improved overall resident satisfaction but also contributed to a positive and supportive care environment.

Providing examples of your experience shows future hiring managers that you fully understand the aged care role. 

Key Skills for Aged Care

Aged care requires a unique set of skills beyond medical expertise. Employers seek professionals who not only provide clinical care but also demonstrate empathy, effective communication, and adaptability. 

Here are key skills essential for success in the Australian aged care sector:

Empathy and compassion

In the aged care sector, empathy is a skill that encourages quality service. You should showcase your ability to connect with and understand the emotional needs of elderly people. For example, you might take the time to understand the person’s personal history, interests, and preferences. This allows you to tailor your approach to their individual needs, which fosters a sense of connection and trust.

Empathy is particularly crucial during challenging times, such as when residents face health setbacks or the loss of a loved one.  You should approach these situations with sensitivity, offering emotional support through comforting words, a reassuring presence, or simply by being there to listen. This creates a supportive environment that contributes to the emotional well-being of residents. 


Clear communication is essential in aged care, whether liaising with patients, their families, or a multidisciplinary healthcare team. 

Engaging in open and clear verbal communication helps build trust between caregivers and elderly individuals. Using a calm and reassuring tone fosters a positive atmosphere. On the other hand, non-verbal communication, such as maintaining eye contact and using appropriate body language, contributes to creating a sense of comfort and trust. 

Actively listening to the concerns and preferences of elderly people is another crucial skill. This enables caregivers to tailor their care approaches based on individual needs and preferences. 

When discussing medical information or care plans, using plain language ensures that elderly individuals can understand and actively participate in their care decisions. This empowers them to be informed partners in their health. The same goes for written communication when reporting accurate patient information.

Patience and adaptability

Aged care often presents unpredictable challenges. This means you should demonstrate your ability to remain patient and adaptable in various situations. 

Patience is essential in building trust with elderly individuals who may be facing physical or cognitive challenges. Taking the time to understand their needs and preferences helps them feel more comfortable. For example, waiting for a resident to express their thoughts or complete a task at their own pace contributes to a trusting caregiver-resident relationship. 

Many elderly individuals also require assistance with daily activities due to physical limitations. Patience is key in providing this support without causing stress or discomfort.

Adaptability is another skill you must have in aged care. This is because health conditions in the elderly can change rapidly. Being adaptable allows caregivers to respond effectively to evolving medical needs. The same goes for adaptability in dealing with the unpredictability of daily life in an aged care setting. Flexibility in schedules and routines ensures that residents receive the best possible care. 

Team collaboration

Collaboration involves working closely with nurses, physicians, therapists, and other healthcare professionals. This approach ensures that you can meet the medical, emotional, and social needs of elderly residents. For example, collaborating with a physiotherapist to create personalised exercise plans for residents can help you consider their individual mobility and health conditions.

Team collaboration in aged care is centred around the needs and preferences of the residents. By pooling together the expertise of various team members, you can tailor care plans that prioritise the well-being and comfort of each individual.

This skill also extends to continuous learning and improvement. Sharing insights, attending workshops together, and staying updated on the latest advancements in aged care contribute to a high standard of care. 

Problem-solving and critical thinking

In aged care, problem-solving and critical thinking are indispensable skills that come into play in various situations. 

For example, an elderly resident shows symptoms that are not immediately clear, meaning their condition is rapidly deteriorating. Critical thinking involves conducting systematic analysis of their symptoms, considering potential causes, and collaborating with healthcare professionals for a comprehensive diagnosis. Problem-solving will help you implement timely interventions based on the assessment, ensuring the resident receives appropriate care.

Problem-solving and critical thinking in aged care involve a dynamic process of assessing, analysing, and implementing solutions. This process can help you address the unique challenges presented by each resident’s physical, emotional, and social needs.

Highlighting Achievements and Impact

Aged care professionals make a huge impact on the lives of those they care for, and your resume is the perfect platform to showcase the tangible results of your dedication and expertise.

You should show your contributions with measurable achievements, emphasising the positive outcomes resulting from your efforts. For example: 

Implemented a personalised mobility program resulting in a 20% reduction in residents’ risk of falls. This achievement not only enhanced the safety of the living environment but also contributed to an overall improvement in the residents’ quality of life.

It’s also worth talking about any awards or recognition for your contributions. For example: 

Recipient of the ‘Excellence in Aged Care Service’ award in recognition of outstanding dedication and compassionate care. This award is a testament to my commitment to maintaining the highest standards in the provision of aged care services.

Hiring managers also want to read positive feedback regarding your experience. This includes feedback from a patient’s family member or your colleagues. For example:

Consistently received heartfelt appreciation from residents and their families for maintaining a warm and supportive environment. This feedback reflects my commitment to building trusting relationships and ensuring the emotional well-being of those in my care. 

Professional Development in the Aged Care Industry

Demonstrating a proactive approach to learning showcases your dedication to providing the highest quality care. 

Participating in regular workshops, aged care courses, and conferences is essential for remaining informed about evolving caregiving methodologies and industry best practices. You could also complete targeted training programs, such as courses in dementia care management, to enhance your expertise in addressing the unique needs of specific resident demographics.

At Sage Education, we also have a Case Management Skill Set course that can help you effectively manage cases. This includes assessing, planning, and implementing the best solutions based on what the client needs. 

Aside from training and education, you can also apply for membership in professional associations, like the Australian Aged Care Professionals Association. This provides access to valuable resources, networking opportunities, and insights into regulatory updates.  

Tailoring Your Resume for Specific Aged Care Roles

Tailoring your application to the specific requirements of each aged care role significantly increases your chances of standing out in the competitive Australian job market. 

Below are some ways you can tailor your aged care resume:

1. Analyse the job description

You should carefully read and dissect the job description to identify the specific skills, qualifications, and attributes sought by the employer. Take note of keywords and terminology used in the listing. This will show the hiring manager that you’ve properly read and fully understand the role. 

2. Highlight relevant experiences

Tailor your professional experience section to showcase roles and responsibilities that directly align with the requirements of the advertised position. This means emphasising experiences that demonstrate your proficiency in tasks outlined in the job description. 

3. Show industry-specific certifications 

If the job emphasises certain certifications or qualifications, ensure they are prominently featured in your resume. Highlighting relevant certifications signals your adherence to industry standards. You can also read through job descriptions before advancing your career to check what qualifications you must complete.

4.  Customise your skills summary 

Adjust your skills summary to reflect the prioritised skills mentioned in the job description. This not only catches the employer’s attention but also demonstrates your awareness of the specific abilities required for the role.

5. Personalise your objective statement 

You should create a targeted objective statement that speaks directly to the goals and values of the aged care organisation. This means expressing a genuine interest in the specific role and showcasing your alignment with the company’s mission and values. Remember to also make it personal to your future development. 

Finalising Your Aged Care Resume

Now that you have crafted your aged care resume, it’s time to summarise a few points before sending it to potential employers. Complete these final steps to ensure the resume is polished and impactful: 

Proofread: Review your aged care resume for grammatical errors, typos, and formatting inconsistencies. A flawless document reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

Gain constructive feedback: Share your resume with trusted colleagues or mentors for feedback. Fresh perspectives can reveal areas for improvement and ensure your resume resonates with potential employers.

Make sure it aligns with the job description: Tailor your resume to match the specific requirements of each job application. Use keywords from the job descriptions to demonstrate your alignment with the role.

Quantify your achievements: Where possible, quantify your accomplishments. Numbers and statistics add credibility and highlight the tangible impact of your contributions.

Update contact information: Always double-check that your contact information is current and accurate. This ensures potential employers can reach you easily without hassle. You can also add your professional references at this stage for additional evidence of your qualifications. 

Enrol with Sage Education for More Aged Care Experience 

Crafting a strong aged care resume is an investment in your career. By highlighting your skills, qualifications, and commitment to excellence, you position yourself as a valuable asset in Australia’s growing aged care sector. Your well-crafted resume opens doors to fulfilling opportunities where you can make a meaningful impact.

Are you ready to build a strong aged care resume? Contact Sage Education to learn more about our courses and how they can strengthen your experience in the aged care industry.  

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