10 Things to Include on Your Early Childhood Education Resume

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Before applying for early childhood education jobs, you should strengthen your professional resume. 

A strong resume is your ticket to unlocking career opportunities. It should reflect your passion and commitment to nurturing various aspects of a child’s well-being. In fact, around 83% of recruiters are more likely to hire a candidate with a comprehensive and tailored resume. 

Whether you’re improving an existing resume or crafting a completely new one, it’s essential to include the right information. 

At Sage Education, we want to give you the best chance at securing a role in early childhood education. Read our guide below on what to include in your resume to apply for jobs in this industry. 

1. Contact Information and Professional Summary

First impressions matter when it comes to entering the early childhood education landscape. You must ensure clarity and professionalism in this section and provide essential details for seamless communication. This means including your full name, a professional email address, and an updated phone number. 

Next is the professional summary, which includes your qualifications, experience, and teaching philosophy. This concise paragraph should grab the employer’s attention, showcasing your passion for early childhood education and hinting at the value you bring to the classroom.

For example, you could mention being an early childhood educator with [X years] of experience fostering a love for learning in young minds. You are adept at creating inclusive and engaging environments while being committed to tailoring education to individual needs. This type of information quickly shows your passion for this role.

2. Education and Certification

A solid educational foundation is essential for your resume. You should begin your resume by showcasing your academic journey. This includes emphasising degrees and certifications that align with the specialised nature of working with young learners. 

Some tips for this section include:

  • Add your degrees: Highlight your academic achievements, starting with your highest level of education. Whether it’s a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education, child development, or a related field, make it clear how your academic background prepares you. 
  • Highlight specific certifications: Beyond degrees, certifications add a valuable layer of credibility to your profile. You should mention certifications or online courses in specialised teaching methodologies. Sage Education offers the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care for those looking to work in early education or care settings.
  • Stay updated: Staying updated on the latest teaching methodologies and practices is essential for standing out. Mention any ongoing professional development courses or plans for further certifications, like the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care from Sage Education.  

3. Teaching Experience

In this section, emphasise how your teaching has made a difference. This includes quantifiable achievements, such as improvements in student engagement or the successful implementation of innovative teaching methods. These examples add a tangible layer to your teaching experience. 


In my role at [X] Preschool, I created a play-based learning initiative that resulted in a 20% increase in student participation and a noticeable enhancement in overall cognitive development. 

You should also show your ability to adapt to diverse learning needs and your commitment to staying current with educational trends. This means discussing any unique approaches you’ve taken to address challenges or incorporate new methodologies. 


At [X] Elementary School, I successfully integrated technology into the curriculum by introducing interactive learning apps that catered to diverse learning styles. This not only elevated student engagement but also equipped them with valuable digital literacy skills.

To end this section, acknowledge the collaborative nature of education. You can highlight instances where you’ve worked with colleagues, parents, or specialists to create a holistic learning experience. It’s also worth mentioning any professional development initiatives you’ve completed to enhance your teaching skills.


As part of a collaborative team at the [X] Early Learning Center, I actively participated in cross-disciplinary projects to create an environment where teachers shared insights and collaborated on creating comprehensive lesson plans. I also regularly attended workshops, staying ahead of the latest educational methodologies and integrating them into my teaching practices.

4. Specialised Skills

Specialised skills involve a unique set of abilities tailored specifically to the needs of young learners. One key skill to highlight is adaptability, which is an essential quality for navigating early childhood education. The ability to adjust your teaching methods based on individual learning styles ensures a more inclusive and effective educational experience. 

In fact, people with adaptability skills are 24% more likely to get the role. This is because employers value candidates who can adapt to the changing needs of children. 

Proficiency in incorporating technology into the classroom is also a valuable asset. Whether it’s integrating educational apps for interactive learning or utilising digital tools to enhance communication with parents, showcasing tech-savviness highlights your true commitment. 

Demonstrating expertise in behaviour management and conflict resolution is just as essential as other skills. Effective classroom management techniques create an environment where children feel secure, fostering optimal conditions for learning and social development. This includes implementing positive reinforcement strategies and addressing behavioural challenges with patience and understanding.

Studying a short skill set course will also prepare you for future work experience and training. It’s an easy way for you to learn new skills that employers constantly look for in early childhood educators. Taking a course like this could advance your career and make your resume look more experienced. 

5. Professional Development

Professional development shows your proactive approach to staying ahead of evolving teaching practices and educational trends. For example, attending workshops, conferences, and training programs can sharpen your teaching skills and help you bring fresh perspectives and innovative methodologies back to the classroom.

Whether it’s exploring the latest advancements in educational technology, delving into modern teaching strategies, or gaining insights into child psychology, the pursuit of professional development is essential. This commitment represents your passion for providing the best possible learning experiences for young minds.

You can also engage in peer learning, share successful practices, and participate in mentorship programs. This can help you contribute significantly to the growth of an early childhood educator. 

When adding your professional development, make sure to highlight how it will prepare you for the role. Employers want to see how your previous experience can help you succeed in early childhood education. 

6. Classroom Management Techniques

Successful educators use structure, positive reinforcement, and interactive strategies to create a conducive learning environment. This means you require a nuanced approach to classroom management. You can learn management techniques from previous work experience, but it’s essential to highlight some key points on your resume. 

You should discuss implementing clear and consistent rules to establish a foundation for behaviour expectations. Proactive measures, such as visual schedules and cues, assist in maintaining a smooth flow of activities. This contributes to a sense of security for young learners in your classroom. The employer will soon recognise that you understand the individuality of each child. 

Positive reinforcement is also essential in early childhood classrooms. Acknowledging and celebrating small victories motivates children and creates a positive classroom culture. Redirecting behaviour through constructive feedback and emphasising the “why” behind rules fosters understanding rather than compliance. 

There are also interactive techniques you should learn before adding them to your professional resume. This includes group activities and hands-on learning experiences that engage young minds and channel their energy productively. Incorporating movement breaks and games into lessons adds an element of fun and helps release pent-up energy.

An online early childhood education course can help you learn classroom management techniques. They give you the tools and information you need for child development and nurturing. With the right resources, you can effectively manage a classroom while giving children enough support. 

7. Incorporating Inclusive Practices

Inclusive practices in early childhood education allow you to adapt teaching methods, materials, and classroom structures to accommodate diverse needs. This might involve implementing differentiated instruction, providing additional support resources, or collaborating with specialists to ensure that every child can actively participate.

Moreover, embracing inclusivity goes hand in hand with nurturing empathy and understanding among young learners. It becomes a powerful lesson in acceptance and respect, which sets the stage for a future generation that values diversity.

Here are some more detailed examples of inclusive practices:

  • Flexible grouping: This practice involves rotating and varying group compositions. It gives children the opportunity to work with different peers and benefit from diverse perspectives. 
  • Universal design for learning (UDL): This structure allows you to design lessons and activities with multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression to cater to different learning preferences. 
  • Adapted materials: You can provide materials and resources that are accessible to all children, including those with diverse abilities or special needs. 
  • Individualised education plans (IEPs): These plans involve developing and implementing personalised plans for children with specific learning or developmental needs. 
  • Sensory-friendly practices: A sensory environment considers lighting, noise levels, and other sensory factors that may impact children with sensory issues.

8. Extracurricular Involvement

Participation in school or community activities demonstrates your holistic approach to fostering well-rounded individuals. Whether that’s leading a student club, organising community events, or engaging in volunteer work, extracurricular involvement showcases a commitment to child development and support.

These activities are essential for improving your teamwork, leadership, and community responsibility skills for academic learning. Early childhood educators actively involved in extracurricular pursuits bring a wealth of experience back to the classroom, which infuses lessons with real-world relevance and practical insights.

Extracurricular involvement also fosters a deeper connection between educators, students, and parents. This creates a sense of shared purpose and community engagement among parents and children. As an early childhood educator, your influence doesn’t just affect single lesson plans. It contributes to the overall collective growth and development of the young minds you want to nurture.

9. Professional Memberships and Affiliations

Joining reputable educational associations and groups shows your commitment to a community of like-minded professionals dedicated to advancing the field. 

Organisations such as the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) or the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) can help you advance your career. A membership in organisations like ECA provides early childhood educators with a wealth of resources. This includes access to the latest research and best practices to networking opportunities that foster collaboration and idea exchange.

Affiliation with ACEL, an organisation dedicated to educational leadership, showcases a commitment to excellence in leadership roles within the early childhood sector. It opens avenues for professional development, mentorship, and the chance to engage with thought leaders shaping the future of early childhood education in Australia.

Adding these memberships and affiliations to your resume further demonstrates your passion for early childhood education. Memberships can also grant access to valuable resources, including research, best practices, and educational materials. This should strengthen your knowledge when it comes to an interview. 

10. Parent-Teacher Communication

Regular and transparent communication with parents is essential for an early childhood educator. This involves sharing academic progress and insights into a child’s social and emotional development. 

Whether through regular newsletters, emails, or dedicated parent-teacher conferences, keeping parents informed can help them feel more comfortable. You should share news about classroom activities, upcoming events, and strategies for reinforcing learning at home to build a sense of shared responsibility.


Implemented a communication strategy, including regular newsletters, emails, and personalised conferences, to foster a collaborative relationship with parents. Prioritised transparency in sharing academic progress, social development insights, and strategies for continued learning at home. 

Creating an open channel for parents to share their observations and concerns establishes a collaborative approach to addressing the unique needs of each child. It’s a partnership that delves into a shared commitment to nurturing a child’s holistic growth.

Enhance Your Early Childhood Education Resume with Sage Education 

A well-crafted early childhood education resume should showcase your passion and commitment. From inclusive practices to effective communication, each element plays an essential role in shaping a learning environment that empowers young minds. At Sage Education, we offer courses in early childhood education that can help you stand out as a candidate. 

So, are you ready to improve your early childhood education resume? Contact us to discover how our courses can make your resume even better. 

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