7 Advantages of First Aid Competency

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Surprisingly, a considerable amount of Australians haven’t been trained in first aid. Even more surprisingly, Australia has potentially the lowest rate of first aid training in the world. This is incredibly terrifying since 57,000 Australians suffer from a heart attack every year.

Most people are reluctant regarding first aid because they believe that the chances of a crisis occurring are improbable. However, emergencies can occur at any time, irrespective of location.

First aid is especially important if you work alongside the most vulnerable people within our society, whereby studying a first aid training course could be the difference between life and death.

At Sage Education, we pride ourselves on providing you with educative courses that will not only increase your employability within the healthcare industry but propel you towards matchless proficiency.

That being said, our First Aid courses are open to individuals from a range of occupational backgrounds because we believe that learning first aid is more than invaluable – it is crucial.

Below, we shall explore the importance of first aid and its benefits so that you can make a well-informed decision about where you should acquire basic first aid knowledge!

Why is First Aid Important to Know?

Although you can acquire first aid skills by studying online, it is far more helpful to attend face-to-face classes, like the ones we provide with our First Aid courses.

With practical experience, you will be able to simulate your response in a medical emergency and learn how to assess a real-life scenario calmly and effectively.

First Aid: Benefits of Knowing How to Act in an Emergency Situation

The importance of health and safety can’t be overstated.

However, considering the amount of Australian citizens who would be underprepared in an emergency, we shall emphasize the benefits of knowing how to administer first aid.

  1. First Aid Can Save Lives

Every year, millions of individuals suffer substantial injuries or lose their lives, which is usually the result of ineffective first-aid responses or untimely assistance from the emergency services.

What can save an injured individual in the crucial period before emergency services reach the scene is your willingness to help.

Knowing first aid skills and appropriately applying them could double the injured individual’s chances of survival.

  1. First Aid is a Means of Relieving Pain

First Aid is about more than saving a life. Immediate and effective first aid reduces recovery time for the injured individual and could potentially prevent temporary/long-term disability.

Pain-relieving manoeuvres can subdue the physiological impacts of pain itself, such as changes in blood pressure.

Procedures as simple as using distilled water from your first aid kit to clean someone’s wound can help relieve pain.

  1. First Aid Inspires Resourcefulness

With your newfound first-aid skills, you can better understand how to use a first-aid kit and, more specifically, how to use the components of a first-aid kit when medical equipment isn’t available.

Accidents can happen at any time, even when it seems unlikely. While it is ideal to have a first-aid kit on hand at all times, we recognise this isn’t always possible. Thankfully, a lot of the components you’d find in a first-aid kit are considerably common.

For instance, if your friend suffers a burn, you would know to find and use non-stick bandages. If none were available, you would be able to alleviate their pain with cold water or a cold compress.

This is another reason why practical training is essential to first-aid courses – you will learn to maximise the resources around you and look for effective, temporary alternative methods of treatment.

  1. First Aid Can Prevent Workplace Accidents

A positive work environment is a safe environment. Knowing how to respond effectively to a crisis that occurs at work will not only help save lives but will give your colleagues a sense of ease and confidence when entering the workplace.

If your colleagues don’t feel safe at work, it increases the rate of absenteeism, which can damage the brand of your workplace and, in turn, make it so that you have a more difficult workload.

First aid isn’t just about the medical know-how but the easement that faultless health and safety inspires.

  1. First Aid Prevents A Crisis From Becoming Worse

We have covered the importance of speed and resourcefulness in relation to first aid, but with the proper training, there is another way you can mitigate the severity of a crisis.

With your training, you will also be able to collect information about the overall situation and the injured individual’s condition. This information will then be passed on to the emergency services, saving valuable time that could be used to save the victim’s life.

  1. First Aid Creates the Confidence to Provide Care

Having the confidence to administer first aid means that you won’t panic in a real-life emergency, and, as a result, you will be able to help the injured individual more efficiently.

By being prepared for how you and others react in a crisis, you will not only be ready for an emergency in a non-medical situation, but you can also inspire others to receive first aid training.

  1. First Aid Encourages Healthy Living

Having the knowledge of health and safety can make you more aware of lifestyle habits that may be detrimental to your health.

By rectifying those bad habits, you can avoid the risk of developing health issues that could result in you needing first aid one day. You can also pass this knowledge on to your friends and family.

Where Can You Find The Right First Aid Course?

When you study with Sage Education, you experience the education that has supported the dreams of over 3000 successful graduates!

As a nationally recognised Registered Training Organisation, we have unparalleled VET courses that have transformed the lives of our students, granting them access to a wealth of invaluable knowledge and lifelong practical skills.

Behind our masterful courses is our passion for education. We believe that education is the avenue towards a better future that everyone should be able to enjoy and thrive within.

Although our mission is to increase your employability, our primary goal is to give you the knowledge to save, improve or empower someone’s life.

Our First Aid Courses

Sage Education offers three esteemed first-aid courses that span no longer than 7 hours, making it perfect for those who have multiple commitments. In order to make our courses more accessible, we also charge no more than $130!

Our world-class first-aid training courses are delivered in two parts. Firstly, you will be required to complete an online pre-assessment, and then you must attend a face-to-face class to practice essential skills.

Our HLTAID009 course will teach you how to assess an emergency situation, perform effective CPR, safe manual handling, and so much more.

Our HLTAID011 course will cover everything in HLTAID009, as well as how to respond to allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, and bleeding control. This course is particularly beneficial to those who would like to work in the aged care industry!

Lastly, with our HLTAID012 course, you will learn everything that we covered in the previous courses, but you will also learn how to apply those skills in an education and care setting. This course is especially helpful for those who would like to work with children!

Note: our courses have a 48-hour rescheduling policy and offer no refunds for cancellations.

Enrol with Sage Education

You now know the importance of first-aid training and where to find the most educative courses – the next step is to enrol with Sage Education!

Peruse our highly informative courses after you’ve familiarised yourself with our ethos, and gain your official first aid certification!

If knowing how to save lives wasn’t beneficial enough, our first aid courses go hand-in-hand with our revered healthcare courses, making you even more likely to start a career in your dream industry.

All you need to do is get in touch!

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