
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

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Course Description

This course will provide you with the fundamental knowledge and experience to move into a career in childcare, working within early education or care settings. CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care is the minimum qualification that allows educators to work in early childhood services in Australia, including long day care, family day care, kindergartens, and school aged care services.

Entry Requirements:

There are no entry requirements for this course; however, it is recommended that learners:

  • are at least 15 Years old and have completed year 9 or equivalent
  • have sound language and literacy skills
  • must be able to obtain a working with children’s check
Possible Career Outcomes:
  • childcare assistant
  • childcare worker
  • family day care worker
  • nanny
  • recreation assistant
Course Delivery Structure:

Study Mode – Self-paced Online

This program is delivered over a period of 30 weeks.

Please note:

  • You are required to complete 160 hours of vocational placement.
  • You will have a total of 12 months to complete the course
Course Structure:

UNITS OF COMPETENCIES (15 Core, 2 Electives)

No Unit Code and Name
1 CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
2 CHCECE031 Support children’s health, safety and wellbeing
3 CHCECE032Nurture babies and toddlers
4 CHCECE033Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
5 CHCECE034Use an approved learning framework to guide practice
6 CHCECE035Support the holistic learning and development of children
7 CHCECE036 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
8 CHCECE037 Support children to connect with the natural environment
9 CHCECE038 Observe children to inform practice
10 CHCECE054 Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples’ cultures
11 CHCECE055 Meet legal and ethical obligations in children’s education and care
12 CHCECE056Work effectively in children’s education and care
13 CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
14 HLTAID012 Provide an emergency first aid in an education and care setting*
15 HLTWHS001 Participate in work health and safety

*you will complete this unit externally and will not be charged any fee for it.

No Unit Code and Name
1 HLTFSE001 Follow basic food safety practices
2 BSBSUS411Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
3 CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
4 CHCPRP003Reflect on and improve own professional practice

Please note that the choice of elective units may differ based on employment outcome and mode of study.

Fee Structure:

Queensland Government Subsidised Students:

If you’re a Queensland government-subsidised student, you will be required to pay the following co-contribution fee:
Concessional Fee (if you’re getting centrelink or other benefits) –
$1 per unit of competency. Total of $17 for 17 units.

Non-concessional Fee –
$2 per unit of competency. Total of $34 for 17 units.

Fee-Paying Applicants:

Upfront Payment: $2870.00 (Down from $4280.00 for a limited time. Save $1410)

Payment Plan:

$60.58 per Week x 52 weeks

Total: $3500.00 (Down from $4280.00 for a limited time. Save $780)

Please note:

  • The payment plan requires payment via Direct Debit from the bank account
  • HLTAID012 will not be included in the course and must be completed externally

All Aged and Disabled Carers

  • $1,265 Weekly Pay
  • Very strong Future Growth
  • Lower unemployment Unemployment
  • 175,800 workers Employment Size
  • Lower skill Skill level rating
  • 33% Full-Time Full-Time Share
  • 43 hours Average full-time
  • 47 years Average age
  • 80% female Gender Share

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a government subsidy?

Yes. If you meet the eligibility criteria for Certificate 3 Guarantee Program, you will be eligible to receive a government subsidy for this course with Sage Education Australia.

Who will organise my vocational placement?

If you cannot secure a vocational placement, our support team will help you secure a suitable facility. Please note that when we secure placement, you must be flexible regarding the distance and work hours.

Do you guarantee a job?

No. We do not guarantee a job. However, this industry has a massive demand for workers, and you will likely secure employment if you’re committed. We will guide you in building a resume and refer you to some of our employers.

How long does it take to complete this course?

The course duration will depend on your mode of study and previous experience in the relevant industry. We will review your application and generate a suitable training plan when you’re ready to start.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a government subsidy?

Yes, you can. We offer a range of courses subsidised by the Queensland Government under the Certificate 3 Guarantee and Higher Level Skills Program. Talk to our team to find out which option suits you the best.

Can I study online?

Yes, we do offer online delivery of some of our courses. However, you may need to attend a workshop to acquire practical skills mandatory for vocational placement.

We assess your situation at the time of enrolment and suggest an appropriate study mode.

Do you guarantee employment?

We do not guarantee employment. However, historically, most of your graduates secure employment as soon as they complete their course.

There is overwhelming employment demand currently, and you are very likely to secure a position if you follow our guidelines.

Who will organise my vocational placement?

We will organise your vocational placement when you’re ready to do so. However, please note that you must meet all requirements and acquire practical skills before your vocational placement is confirmed.

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